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Argumentation and Debate: Critical Thinking for Reasoned Decision

Articulate the importance of ethics in constructing and delivering an argument. Demonstrate professional and respectful behavior during a debate. Students learn the principles of argumentation and debate. Topics emphasize Internet database research, synthesis of collected data, policy analysis of evidentiary quality, refutation of counter claims, identification of logical fallacies, risk evaluation, framing of issues, and coherent storytelling. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE includes thorough coverage of fundamental concepts, detailed models of argumentation, and practical guidance to help students apply and enhance their skills in academic Argumentation and Debate, 7,5 högskolepoäng Argumentation and Debate, 7.5 Credits Kurskod: RE1018 Utbildningsområde: Humanistiska området Huvudområde: Retorik Högskolepoäng: 7,5 Ämnesgrupp (SCB): Retorik Utbildningsnivå: Grundnivå Fördjupning: G1N Inrättad: 2010-11-09 Senast ändrad: 2011-09-28 Giltig fr.o.m.: Vårterminen 2012 Beslutad av: Akademichef Mål Argumentation and Debate. Judelyn Jamil.

Argumentation and debate

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COURSE DESCRIPTION Making, critiquing, debating, and assessing arguments in society is required if you wish to be an engaged citizen and thoughtful critical consumer of media and communication. In this course, This course has all of the content that you need to complete the Argumentation and Debate course. All of the content in this course is also found in Composing Arguments. There is no need to purchase the hardcopy of the textbook once you purchase these course materials. Argumentation and Debate.

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Argumentation and Debate, International Edition: Freeley Steinberg, Steinberg, David: Books. Litteraturlista för RE1018 | Argumentation and Debate (7,5 hp). Nedan visas alla böcker taggade till kurskoden RE1018 vid Örebro universitet.

Argumentation and debate

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Argument 1 – med  of ex dlsputationsprof dispute ; hold an argument ; chop change on good securits ) lăn , n . oppose another on some matter ; debate is to dispute in loan at a  There has been essay debate that students are getting distracted from their learning by other extracurricular activities. United States.

Principles of argumentation and debate; analysis, briefing, evidence, reasoning and refutation; debating on vital questions. COURSE DESCRIPTION Making, critiquing, debating, and assessing arguments in society is required if you wish to be an engaged citizen and thoughtful critical consumer of media and communication. In this course, This course has all of the content that you need to complete the Argumentation and Debate course.
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Read 4 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. This comprehensive introduction to the principles and pract During the debate, the debaters raise arguments and, based dependency of the outcome of a debate on two the argument raised by one debater and the.

Author: FREELEY.
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Principles of effective argumentation including logic, reasoning, evidence, motivation, persuasion  Argumentation and Debate. Principles and techniques of argumentation and debate, including analysis, briefing, evidence, reasoning and refutation; debating   Such is the case for those who are choosing an argumentation and debate textbook. While some textbooks em- phasize critical thinking skills, others focus on the  Instruction will focus on the evolution of argumentation from classical topresent, the theoretical bases of debate and the construction and critique of debaterhetoric.

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Argumentation, and its formalized and verbalized enactment, debate, is the process of reasoning to judgments.