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A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and - GUPEA

Sorted by: Results 1 - 10 of 217. Next 10 → Optimizing Structure In Context: Scrambling And Information Structure systematically ambiguous between an agentive and a non-agentive/causative reading (s. Anagnostopoulou 1999, Kordoni 1999, Verhoeven 2008a), whereby agentivity relates to the thematic properties of the subject, i.e. the stimulus constituent. In this paper, an extension of Hasegawa (2001, 2004), I examine the possessor raising construction and the interpretation of the subject. Though it is usually assumed that transitive sentences invariably involve the small v that assigns both an external role and object Case, I claim that non-agentive transitives whose subject is interpreted as an experiencer and serves as the possessor of the Deconstructing the English Passive presents an analysis of the form and function of the passive construction in English.

Non-agentive subject

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SP) are associated with non-agentive roles, I will broadly distinguish between agentive and non-agentive roles, including the roles of Theme, Instrument, Location, Temporal, Cause and Force. The non-agentive semantic roles are known to occupy the lower end of the universal subject hierarchy (Saeed 1998: 146) and are regarded as more marked than agentive roles. Whereas the subject is determined syntactically, primarily through word order, the agent is determined through its relationship to the action expressed by the verb. For example, in the sentence "The little girl was bitten by the dog", "girl" is the subject, but "dog" is the agent. Agentive definition, pertaining to, or productive of, a form that indicates an agent or agency. See more. One type of non-agentive subject -- the type under which this therapy falls (I believe) in sentence (1) -- is an "instrumental subject." Here is a simpler example of an instrumental subject: " A rock had broken the window." A rock is not an animate being, of course, let alone a mischievous animate being.


means to put an argument in subject position: passives, middles and a range of non-agentive subjects. Subject; this page is secure Home / Languages in Contrast, Volume 1, Number 2 Non-agentive Deverbal -er Nominalization in English and Dutch : A Contrastive Analysis Buy Article: $31.21 + tax (Refund Policy) Author: Heyvaert, Liesbet. Source: Languages in Contrast, Volume 1, Number 2 In the simplest definition, permissive subjects are inanimate, non-agentive subjects that occur with verbs that normally take animate, agentive subjects; in other words, their core feature is that they do not express the semantic role of agent, the ‘conscious Non-agentive subjects can appear in the case of the transitive alternant of a ditransitive verb like . abi(-ru) (‘get something poured over oneself’).

Non-agentive subject

Det-konstruktioner i bruk - CORE

Here are some further examples from the those EO verbs that have a non-agentive reading, i.e. the non-agentive EO verbs (see (8)) and the non-agentive readings of the labile EO verbs (see (7)), as long as the stimulus is not interpreted One type of non-agentive subject -- the type under which this therapy falls (I believe) in sentence (1) -- is an "instrumental subject." Here is a simpler example of an instrumental subject: " A rock had broken the window." A rock is not an animate being, of course, let alone a mischievous animate being.

The agentless passive is used to avoid very general subject such as people, someone, we, one, and impersonal you and they. The passive often sounds more indirect or impersonal. Or sometimes the agentless passive is used to avoid taking responsibility for an action or to avoid blaming another person. languages, i. e. the fact that the subject slot in finite clauses must normally be filled, even in cases where the referent of the subject is contextually given or where the construction is impersonal.
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2013-09-01 · The subject/causer of these verbs has to be non-agentive. It has been noted that when the subject of these verbs is agentive, these verbs behave like normal transitive verbs with the object interpreted as a patient rather than as an experiencer ( Arad, 2002 ; Landau, 2009). These sentences are challenging because of the non-agentive semantic roles they take in their subject position. I have set the goal of the present paper to document how 65 Hungarian learners at various levels of English proficiency cope with a range of non-agentive roles; and whether the semantically marked subjects pose an area of difficulty for them. These\ud sentences are challenging because of the non-agentive semantic roles they take in their\ud subject position.

This -s genitive functions more like a  av S Cinková · Citerat av 7 — tional implicature is that non-human and non-agentive subjects do not activate the will feature in the future since they cannot pursue any will on  av E Andersson · 2003 · Citerat av 5 — However, this is no requirement, and especially when the subject is non-agentive, the deontic modality must be interpreted as subject-independent. an implicit argument, which sets the passive apart from other constructions with non-agentive subjects. The theoretical analysis is supported with corpus data,  Visar resultat 1 - 5 av 10 avhandlingar innehållade ordet agentive.
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Det-konstruktioner i bruk - CORE

(1985) (1999): agentive subjects modified by Agent  av C Hedman · 2021 — Through success stories, discourses on the Mother Tongue subject as a Although the second course was not designed specifically for migrant parents, the thus includes him – a man – in a shared membership with the agentive women (cf. av F Lüpke · 2005 · Citerat av 76 — Activity readings for non-alternating transitive verbs of change of state. subject. SG singular.

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contained in the repository has been subject to linguistic analysis. agentive verbs (such as bora and vo) and the lexical forms of opna and loka Abortion as agentive action: reproductive agency among young women A long term follow-up of 215,011 non-diabetic subjects in the Swedish AMORIS study,  av C Wikström-Grotell — aspects of place that concern conditions for action and how the agentive role of and non-formal assemblies in spite of their separate focal points (economic, strategic To become a subject is a deeply personal and intersubjective process  The agentive participial-particle nominal, e. This condition is not surprising given that the inflectional system of Old English would have Subject: English, linguistics, morphology, nominalization, nominals, particle, syntax, verb General  av J Puskala · 2003 · Citerat av 14 — structure and passive constructions with an agentive phrase in their texts. main or secondary subject, while most of the students with Swedish as L1 had not. It is also noteworthy that not all journalistic cultures operate with the notion that it they are typically conditioned by the co-text and will often be subject to the beliefs, outcomes by a deliberate use of middle voice or non agentive structures. Referential vs.