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The choice to live life on purpose through the basis of not settling for less that who God says that I am by allowing what happen to me to EN HAKKORE 2.0. Home. Menu. Pick-Up / Delivery. Contact Us. More Download Menu.

En hakkore spring

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The spring where Samson drank after slaughtering the Philistines at Lehi (Judg 15:14-19). En-hakkore (ĕn-hăk´ōrē), in the Bible, spring in Lehi that burst forth when Samson called upon the Lord. Source for information on En-hakkore: The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. dictionary. EN-HAKKORE (En-hak·korʹe) [Fountain (or, Spring) of the One Calling]. A spring at Lehi. (Jg 15:19) It received its name when Samson, who was thirsty after he had struck down a thousand men, “began to call on Jehovah” for water and the spring was miraculously provided.� EN-HAKKORE (En-hak·korʹe) [spring of the man calling].

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The Columbia   10 Nov 2008 En Hakkore - The Spring of the Caller: the “supplication well;. the well of him that cried,. God opens many springs of comfort to his people,  En-hakkore » A spring, miraculously supplied to samson · Judges 15:19. But God   Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

En hakkore spring

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2016-08-01 · The word “En Hakkore” appears one time in the Bible (Judges 15:19). And the background of this post is Samson who fought the Philistine using a jawbone of a donkey. He felt very thirsty after killing a thousand of the Philistine.

EN-HAKKORE ĕn hăk’ ə rĭ (עֵ֤ין הַקּﯴרֵא׃֙, the spring of him that called, though possibly the spring of the partridge). The spring where Samson drank after slaughtering the Philistines at Lehi (Judg 15:14-19). It cannot be identified, if it still exists, for it is generally agreed that the site of Lehi remains unidentified. En-hakkore (1 Occurrence) Judges 15:19 But God clave the hollow place that is in Lehi, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore the name thereof was called En-hakkore, which is in Lehi, unto this day. EN-HAKKORE (‘spring of the partridge’; cf.
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out to God and it was as simple as that And God split open the hollow place that was at Lehi, and water came out of it. And when he drank, his spirit returned and he revived.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. EN-HAKKORE ĕn hăk’ ə rĭ (עֵ֤ין הַקּﯴרֵא׃֙, the spring of him that called, though possibly the spring of the partridge). The spring where Samson drank after slaughtering the Philistines at Lehi (Judg 15:14-19). En-hakkore (ĕn-hăk´ōrē), in the Bible, spring in Lehi that burst forth when Samson called upon the Lord. Source for information on En-hakkore: The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.