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Converts Text, HTML, PDF, and LIT based eBooks into images. This is for people without MP3 players with text or eBook support, but can view photos. It will convert a book into a series of images. All images should be 72 – 300 DPI (300 DPI preferred).* Cover image: At least 1400px wide, portrait or vertical rectangle-shaped artwork (no squares) and we recommend a height/width ratio of 1.5 (1400px wide x 2100px high) Full-page images: minimum of 150dpi/ppi, which equals a resolution of 1275px wide x 1650px high on a letter sized page Specify if image size must remain fixed or resized relative to the page. Relative to Page Size sets a relative percentage value based on the size of the image relative to the InDesign page width. This option causes the images to rescale proportionally, relative to the width of the reading area.